Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Christ as Our Righteousness SIMPLIFIED

Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness.
Psalm 119:142

"Christ our righteousness is the one sublime message set forth in the Sacred Scriptures.
--The account of creation reveals the marvelous wisdom and power of Christ, by whom all things were created. (Col. 1:14-16)
--The sin of the first Adam, with all its awful consequences, is related in order that Christ, the last Adam, may be hailed as Redeemer and restorer. (Rom. 5:12-21)
--Death with all its terrors is set before us, that Christ may be exalted and glorified as the Life-giver. (1 Cor. 15:22)
--The disappointments, sorrows, and tragedies of this life are recounted, that Christ may be sought as the great comforter and deliverer. (John 16:33)

Our sinful, corrupt natures are presented in lurid colors, that Christ may be appealed to for cleansing, and may in very deed be unto us "the Lord our righteousness."