Thursday, August 8, 2019

The "Really" File - (Mama G)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"A drag queen in the United Kingdom was caught on camera teaching small children at a library story hour how to perform
the sexually-suggestive dance move called "twerking." 

Mama G is a cross-dressing man and drag artist who “has appeared at libraries, theatres, bookshops and cafes all over the UK,” according to the Petite Pantos theater company.

Devon Libraries promoted his Story Hour events in North Devon as “sharing tales that celebrate being who you are & loving who you want.”

Video recently emerged from one of those Drag Queen Story Hour events, showing Mama G explaining and demonstrating before an audience of children how to twerk.
From the "Really" File

Libraries Unlimited, the charity that runs Devon Libraries, responded with a statement that didn’t address the specific objections, but insisted it was “committed to ensuring our libraries are welcoming, safe and inclusive places for all,” that it is taking its "responsibilities very seriously," and had performed a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check on Mama G.

After the controversy broke out, Mama G changed his Twitter profile so only approved followers can see it, but not before critics saved screenshots – including one of a tweet in which Mama G appears to ask children to send him their email addresses."