Sunday, August 18, 2019

SDA Issues - Out of "Focus" at Focus

It is as easy to make an idol of false doctrines and theories as to fashion an idol of wood or stone” (Great Controversy, p. 583 E.G.W.).
Idolatry is the act of exalting something or someone above the word of God. Even if those things appear to be good, they become idols whenever they are venerated above God Himself and whenever they distort God’s will for mankind.

When we embrace the radical, Biblically distorted, climate change agenda and give it priority and precedence over the everlasting gospel and the Three Angels’ Message, that is when we have set up the idolatry of climate madness.

Focus Magazine is an official Seventh-day Adventist publication from the United Kingdom and is distributed throughout Europe.
They have dedicated this entire issue of Focus Magazine to promote the climate change movement. We are now engaging in the life-long struggle to clean the pollution of the world instead of the pollution of sin! The Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists is dedicating a lot of energy and enthusiasm to promote this special climate crisis issue of Focus Magazine to its membership.

The front cover of Focus Magazine depicts the young teenage girl Greta Thunberg, the new face of the climate revolution. She started the “Skolstrejk för Klimatet” movement which translates to “School Strike for the Climate.” Her motto is “Our House is on Fire” and her message is that the time for talking is over and we must act now to save our planet.
On page 3 of this special edition dedicated to the environment, Focus Magazine writes a tribute to Greta Thunberg. At the end of this tribute they conclude with these words:
FOCUS is also inclined to agree with Greta Thunberg’s assessment that ‘our house is on fire’. The ‘paralysis of analysis’ days are over, and action is urgently required. Sure, governments and corporations must act, but we know that they won’t do so until we act. Our hope is that this edition of FOCUS will not only give you a Christian perspective on the crisis, but some practical ways of personally making a difference. All of us are on a journey, but make no mistake, without doubt, on this matter we need to move much, much faster.”
Why are we willing to invest so much to promote the cause of climate change while ignoring the real, Biblical and moral concerns of the times?

When will we see a full issue dedicated to standing up for the unborn in any Seventh-day Adventist publication? When will we see a full issue exposing the dangers of the LGBT+ agenda in our magazines?
Where is the energy and enthusiasm for these real moral issues?

We can be good stewards of God’s creation, but this work must have a Biblical foundation that doesn’t deny real science, historical facts or the end-time prophetic scenario described in the Bible. The final chapter of planet earth has been written by God and we have a special work to do during this time."