Tuesday, August 13, 2019

SDA Issues - Our Real Mission

"Jesus Christ is the Pattern,
and everyone who copies the Pattern will estimate the value of his own soul as the purchased possession of Christ.

He will see that the Lord requires all the members of his church, as living, human agencies, to exert a sanctified influence in unity to build up the Redeemer's kingdom in the earth.

The careless inaction, the indolence, the neglect to improve a single faculty and in-trusted capability which might have been employed for blessing humanity, robs the world of the promised influence of the Holy Spirit, which might have accompanied with its presence the living witness for God.

A message from heaven is sent to the world by those whom the Lord has called. They are to make known the salvation of God, that, by the testimony of those who are sanctified, many may be saved."
Signs of the Times 1892 E.G.W.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
Matthew 24:14