Sunday, August 11, 2019

IN the NEWS - Real Agenda of Green Religion

So just how CRAZY are the Disciples of the Green Religion? (See snippet from article below).
These people in the Green movement are "Watermelons"- Enviro-Green on the Outside and Marxist-Red on the inside.
Now picture the radical extremism these people espouse in order to save the planet with people who call for appeasing God during natural disasters by setting up a counterfeit global Sabbath.
These people could join in order to set aside a day for the planet to rest..regardless, we've been warning about the extremism of the environmental movement.

"Meat is killing the planet, but Americans are unlikely to give it up. Lab meat could be our best hope of winning tens of millions of
American meat eaters over to a Green New Deal if that lab meat can be socialized.
If it can be wrested from corporate control, lab meat production could be publicly financed, with intellectual property held in the public trust, and tied to the social and ecological goals of a just economic transition...When the Right mocks us for wanting to take away their hamburgers, they’re onto something." Jacobin

Doesn't matter whether you reduce livestock for lab meat or increase won't save you from the seven last plagues....In fact, unless the Lord shortens that time of calamity, not a single person will survive. Mark 13:20 NLT