Sunday, August 4, 2019

IN the NEWS - New Jersey Sign 'O the Times

....the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12
IF it's "assisted"....then it ain't "suicide"....we have seen in Europe (some of it documented over the years on this blog) how this law degenerates into just government sanctioned killing of people who decide they just don't want to live---many NOT in chronic pain and in some cases people changing their mind but the government going ahead with the "assisted suicide" anyway...New Jersey WAXING COLD....

"New Jersey's assisted suicide law went into effect Thursday. 
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act into law April 12, 2019, making New Jersey the eighth state to legalize assisted suicide.
Elizabeth, a certified physician assistant from New Jersey who also does not want her last name published, expressed houghts on the medical profession not meshing with assisted suicide.
"When physicians graduate medical school, they swear to 'do no harm,' according to the Hippocratic oath," she said. "Physician-assisted suicide directly violates this oath."