Saturday, August 10, 2019

IN the NEWS - a High-Tech Neo-Babel named "Neom"?

Thoughts of a high-tech Neo-Babel called Neom swirl about in the heads of the worlds elites---but can they pull it off before the End?....probably not...but we don't need their Neom...
 Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

"Under the leadership of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Salman, a $500 billion “mega-city” is being constructed in the northwestern corner of Saudi Arabia. 
This city has been named “Neom”, and when it is fully completed it will be approximately “the size of Massachusetts”.  The Wall Street Journal was able to recently examine 2,300 pages of classified documents related to this project, and what they discovered is absolutely stunning

This “city of the future” will feature an
---artificial moon,
---flying taxis and
---robot maids, but there will also be
---gene-editing in order to make humans stronger and smarter,
---and everyone living there will be subjected to 24 hour surveillance
In addition, we are being told that this will be “the world’s first independent international zone”, and many are concerned about what exactly that is going to mean.
Neom” certainly has a futuristic ring to it, and according to Digital Trends it was derived by combining a Greek word and an Arabic word…
Called Neom (a mix of the Greek word for “new” and
Arabic word for “future”), the project aims to construct a $500 billion city, covering 10,000 squares miles of coastline and desert in northwest Saudi Arabia. With its mixture of high-tech amenities and luxury services like restaurants and shops, the goal is to build what the Wall Street Journal describes as a superior to “Silicon Valley in technology, Hollywood in entertainment and the French Riviera as a place to vacation.”
It has been reported that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Salman originally came up with the idea for the city when he “pulled up a map of his country on Google Earth and saw its northwest quadrant was a blank slate.”  
He ultimately decided that it would be an ideal location for “the city of the future”, and he enlisted an army of U.S. consultants to help him fulfill his dream.
But will his dream ultimately become a nightmare?…"