Tuesday, August 20, 2019

IN the NEWS - Evil Hearts Really Do Produce, in Common Parlance, SICK TWISTED FREAKS

The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked:
 who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9

"Dr. Phillip Nitschke, inventor of the suicide pod, which gasses patients to death, has created a video service so he can watch people kill themselves in real time.

Nitschke, also known as 'Dr. Death', is the founder of pro-euthanasia group, Exit International. According to the Daily Mail, Nitschke has claimed that the video service, which allows him to watch people commit suicide in real time, will improve the quality of assisted dying.
Nitschke said: "This is all very new. Some people who have been planning to take this step have been very generous. They do not mind having their deaths observed because they are aware that we are very keen to get good information."
Since the video service was devised, two Australians have live-streamed their suicides to Nitschke, with two more expected to follow."