Saturday, August 24, 2019

Creation Moment 8/25/2019 - 5 Points of "Evolution" that Point to Genesis SERIES: 5

Radiocarbon dating

"Many people think that radiocarbon dating proves millions of years. The truth is exactly the opposite—if radioactive carbon is discovered in a sample, we know that material cannot be millions of years old.

The so-called half-life of radiocarbon is very short: after only 5,730
years any source of radiocarbon in living things will decay to half of its starting amount.

Theoretically, no detectable radiocarbon should be found after only 200,000+ years.

Creation researchers have tested diamond samples for traces of radiocarbon. While evolutionists think that diamonds are even billions of years old, the creationist researchers found measurable amounts of radiocarbon in all their samples. This is again a direct scientific refutation of the millions and even billions of years assigned to such things."
In the beginning...Genesis 1:1