Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Creation Moment 8/22/2019 - 5 Points of "Evolution" that Point to Genesis SERIES: 2


"Dinosaurs are the real poster-children of millions of years and evolutionary theory.

People have it firmly fixed in their minds that dinosaurs lived 250–65 million years ago. But one of the best kept secrets of paleontology is the presence of soft tissues in dinosaur bones, now found all over the world, described in some 50 secular publications. And in recent years there is conclusive evidence of carbon-14 in dinosaur fossils which refutes the millions of years dates assigned to these incredible beasts.

Hundreds of dinosaur carvings and paintings have also been found in countries all over the world. This shows that humans were eyewitnesses to living dinosaurs. Such carvings were found in places where fossils of the specific dinosaur species were not present, indicating that the human artists were not putting flesh on dinosaur fossils that they had seen.

Furthermore, large dinosaur graveyards have been found in different parts of the world. Researchers have greatly overestimated the number of dinosaur species, which means that dinosaurs could have fit on Noah’s Ark during the Flood (for example in juvenile form)."
...and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
Genesis 7:2