Sunday, August 18, 2019

Creation Moment 8/19/2019 - Tusks of Gomphotheres

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,...
Genesis 1:24

".....about elephants.
They did indeed exist with downward pointing tusks. But what does this prove? Do you know what kind of mutation in which genes were responsible for turning the tusk upside down?

This is the key point. Furthermore, there is no evolutionary explanation as to how the tusk came about in the first place. Or the elephant’s nose for that matter.
...might have heard about gomphotheres, which are extinct elephants which had not two, but four tusks, one pair that points upwards, the other points downwards.
This species is now extinct, so therefore it is quite possible that with the separate loss of the lower tusks we get modern elephants, whereas loss of the upper tusks gives us the elephants with downward-looking tusks.
Loss of tusks could well be possible to loss of genes,
which is loss of information!
As in so many other examples, the living representatives of the elephant kind have less diversity than we see in the fossil record. This fits in nicely with the biblical model."