Saturday, August 10, 2019

Creation Moment 8/10/2019 - Apes & Banana Evolutionary Talking Point

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,... Romans 1:22

" let’s look at them:
How else can you explain that we all have 98% or so the same DNA as apes and chimpanzees; and 50% the same as a banana.”
Well no, that’s old science, the 98% figure (and the comparison was between humans and the common chimp). 

And note that even a 1 or 2% difference would be an impossibility for evolution by mutations and natural selection, even with all the best possible assumptions, to change a common ancestor with a chimp into a human in the supposed 6 million years that it took. However, the difference is now known to be much larger, which makes human evolution even more impossible—if that were possible!

Note also that the 50% banana figure came from a flippant throw-away line from Professor Steve Jones; it did not come from a careful comparison of the two genomes.
If we had two random sequences of DNA the same length, then they would be expected to be 25% the same; that is the ‘bottom line’, since there are only four DNA ‘letters’ (nucleotide bases).
If we did share 50% of our DNA with a banana (it’s possible), that would be a problem for evolution, because the supposed common ancestor with a banana would be so far back in deep time that every base pair would have mutated, such that there should be little similarity at all."