Sunday, August 4, 2019

Assault on the Covenant in Daniel 11

"In Daniel 11 we see a progressive turning against the covenant.
  • his heart shall be against the holy Covenant….(vs. 28)
  • forsake the holy covenant…(vs. 30)
  • do wickedly against the covenant…(vs 32)
In this verse in Daniel 11:28 his “heart shall be against the holy Covenant”. 
We know that the first Sunday law was issued by Constantine. Sunday was uniting paganism with Christianity! 
 Among the Christians, Sunday had gradually become their regular assembly day. Many of the pagans reverenced the same day as the “venerable day of the sun”. Here was the point of friendly union. So he passed a Sunday law very much like the old Roman laws governing festival days. 

The old Roman laws exempted the festival days of the heathen from all juridical business. Agricultural labors were, on the other hand, allowed. With his decree he added the general distain Christians had against Jews, as reason for Sunday instead of Saturday.
Yet Sunday is clearly a child of Sun worship. God’s command is clear as to which day HE sanctified, blessed and made holy. (Gen. 2:1-3, Ex. 20:8-11) Hebrews 4:9-11 tells us the Sabbotismos remains and we are to be diligent to enter the rest in obedience.

The very priesthood and once and for all sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, they put aside and returned to a human priesthood, and a daily sacrifice where priests create the Savior and offer Him over and over again. 

Yet, that which remaineth, they abolished and in its place set up a day based only on the traditions of man.
Constantine’s law was only the beginning of legislating the observance of Sunday. The Council of Laodicea, some fifty years later, declared: Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s day they shall expecially honor (Canon 29) It is of interest to note that the same council reveals that SATURDAY was still being observed as "the festival of Creation". Canon 16 says: "On Saturday the Gospels, and other portions of the Scripture shall be read aloud."
Thus to ease people into changing the Sabbath to Sunday, Saturday could still be observed in honor of Creation BUT the people dare not kept it as a REST DAY. They must work on Sabbath!

In 368 A.D, .the emperors Valentinian, and Theodosius decreed:
On the day of the sun, let none of the judges permit open shows to the people, and let him not confound the divine veneration by arranging entertainments.”
On the day of the sun, which our forefathers rightly called the Lord’s day, let all prosecutions of causes, controversial business, and disputes be wholly laid aside; let no one demand either a public or a private debt; let there be no hearing of causes either….and let him be accounted not only infamous, but sacrilegious, also, whosoever departs from the rule and custom of our holy religion. (Cod.Theod., lib 8 tit. 8 lex I)
The story concerning the attack on God's covenant and God's law is too long to document here. It was the "growth of the mystery of iniquity". It did not happen overnight.
The whole attack on the covenant of God is get the people to surrender to human beings and obey the commandments of men, who presume to stand in the place of God, rather than to surrender to God Himself and obey His commandments."Ulrike Unruh