Saturday, August 3, 2019

Agrippa Lesson

"King Agrippa was also deeply convicted as he listened to Paul's testimony about Christ. He cried out, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." Acts 26:28. What a tragedy that, with all the trembling and conviction, neither of those Roman rulers actually moved to obey what they knew to be right.
"Almost" is not enough.
It is sometimes the case that individuals are faced with choices that must be made within a few minutes which will affect the entire future direction of their lives.
In these rare instances (and perhaps they are not as rare as we think) that golden moment of opportunity flashes into focus, remains only a few precious moments, and then disappears forever. It seems patently true that Felix and Agrippa faced the most significant and favorable opportunity to choose life over death, and they blew it. They waited too long, and their conviction faded and disappeared.

Men and women do the same thing today. They wait for more convenient circumstances - a different job, retirement, or financial security.

They make promises to themselves and others that they will surrender to Christ and obey the truth just as soon as the time is right.
Somebody else - Satan - hears those promises and he immediately begins to manipulate events that will make that right moment impossible.
Those people keep waiting and waiting and waiting, and many of them will be waiting when the water turns to blood and probation's door has closed on the human race. No wonder the Bible declares that "Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2."