Wednesday, August 7, 2019

10 differences between Luther and Zwingli SERIES: 2

10 differences between Luther and Zwingli SERIES: 2
And they that understand among the people shall instruct many:
yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
Daniel 11:33

1.- Worship
"Luther was primarily concerned about doctrinal renovation within the walls of the Roman Church.
He wished to promote a theological renewal, majoring upon the rediscovery of the apostolic Gospel which proclaimed the sufficiency of Christ to justify the sinner by faith alone.

Zwingli, faithful to his humanist leanings, was predominantly interested in ethics. He dreamt of a church which was faithful to the principles of Christ’s call unto discipleship and morality.
Hence, Luther’s theology stressed Christ as the Saviour and Redeemer whereas Zwingli spoke of Him as the supreme Example and moral Teacher.

This meant that Luther read his Bible in the light of the promises of God; and Zwingli in the light of the commands."