Monday, July 8, 2019

Papal Notes - Putin Bends the Knee

...whose look was more stout than his fellows. Daniel 7:20

"Pope Francis welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Vatican July 4, the two negotiating common ground while eyeing ways to make yardage on their competing views of Christianity and nationhood.

For Putin, the meeting, for which he was an hour late, represented a way to reify his stature as a global leader.
For Francis, the meeting represented a way to gain leverage in his relationship with populist, anti-migration Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and in negotiating better relations with the Russian
Orthodox Church — as well as the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Francis gave Putin a signed copy of his peace message for this year and an 18th-century etching of St. Peter's Square, "so you don't forget Rome." CM