Thursday, July 11, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Avoid Priestly Literature on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be more than one reason to AVOID "Priestly Literature" on the Streets of Babylon...

"All last week, St. Louis to observe and counter goings on at the Association of US Catholic Priest’s (AUSCP) 2019 Assembly.

One of the most concerning aspects of this AUSCP Assembly is active spread of false teachings coming from the AUSCP’s sponsors and vendors.  For instance, both New Ways Ministry and DignityUSA had booths with free heretical literature supporting notions that homosexual acts are not sinful,...even advocating same-sex “marriage.”
At the AUSCP Assembly, New Ways Ministry handed copies of their new publication for lesbian nuns – “Womanjourney Weavings.”  The tagline for “Womanjourney Weavings” is “An occasional forum for and about lesbian religious to exchange ideas, experiences, and events.”  In this “introductory issue,” the headline article Prayers from the Closet by a self-professed “lesbian nun,” Linda Taylor, CSJ said, “I had lived in the closet as a lesbian for almost fifty years … I like being a sister and I like being a lesbian.” 
DignityUSA, like New Ways Ministry, is also a homosexual activism group that promotes homosexual “marriage” and condones sodomitical homosexual acts.
DignityUSA’s mission statement proclaims, “We believe that gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex persons can express their sexuality and gender identities and expressions in a manner that is consonant with Christ’s teaching.
Furthermore, Dignity USA expounds on this in a document on the goodness of homosexual acts:
Now Church officials admit that our sexual identity may not be the result of deliberate choice. To some extent they distinguish between sexual orientation and genital activity. Yet they still insist that our sexual identity is an objective disorder, a tendency toward an intrinsic moral evil, and that any genital expression of it is absolutely forbidden.
This we cannot accept. We see sexuality as an intrinsic, integral, and essential aspect of our human personhood, not a separate one. We reclaim our sexuality and its genital expression as intrinsically good.
In 2009, according to DignityUSA president Mark Matson, DignityUSA adopted a more “inclusive” mission statement that includes a call for the ordination of women to the priesthood."