Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Is this your "State of Liberty"?

Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:21

"Infidelity is increasing in our land.
Our youth are sent to college, and are brought into association with those who hold skeptical views; for even well-educated young men now boast of their unbelief in the word of God.

Who is chargeable for this state of affairs?
--Is it not chargeable to those who from the sacred desk have belittled the claims of the law of God?
--Is it not chargeable to those who lead men away from the path of truth by terming the law of God a yoke of bondage, and who thereby picture transgression as a state of liberty?

Oh, if those who make light of the requirements of God's law, did but know what they are doing, if they did but realize that they were undermining the faith of our youth in the Bible, sending them adrift without anchor or compass on a shoreless sea, they would recoil with horror from their fearful work!"
Signs Of The Times E.G.W.