Saturday, July 20, 2019

IN the NEWS - Renton Library

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Renton Public Library in Renton, Washington, recently held a so-called “teen pride” event that featured a deranged, gender-dysphoric young man dressed as a woman who actually got down on all fours and started roaring incoherently like a demon, this being the latest installment of LGBTQ propaganda aimed at America’s impressionable youth.

This bizarre drag show was part of a “pride celebration designed by teens for teens” which, according to an advertisement that appeared on the Renton Public Library website, also featured “Safer sex presentations! A drag show! Free swag! (and a) Free binder raffle!”
In case you’re unfamiliar with what a “binder” is, it’s a device that a transgender “man,” meaning a woman pretending to be a man, can use to flatten “his” breasts in order to look more “masculine.”
At the Renton Public Library teen pride” event, chest binders were handed out “to help eight self-hating girls mutilate their bodies,” according to activist Kaeley Triller Harms, who spoke out against the horrors that she witnessed.
On her Twitter page, Harms posted a video clip of the drag portion of the event, which depicts the young man in drag quite literally morphing into what would appear to be some kind of creature."