Monday, July 15, 2019

IN the NEWS - Jersey Clergy Depravity

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

".....diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, headed by Bp. Arthur Serratelli, a man whose entire career has been dogged by allegations of homosexual misconduct and who protects and promotes alleged homosexual predators.

He was mentored by Theodore McCarrick, who was the primary consecrator for Serratelli as auxiliary bishop in 2008 in Newark, New Jersey..........Seton Hall has complaints on file against Serratelli for inappropriate conduct with seminarians, including inviting them to his private room, where he would shower and dry off in front of them.

Serratelli was a key figure in facilitating the gay seminarian pipeline from South America to the United States — and there's evidence he's still doing that now.

As a recap: Homosexuals would be recruited from Colombia and farmed out to East Coast seminaries, then sent on to a number of parishes and dioceses around the country. The scheme was exposed in a 2012 investigation by Fr. John Lavers, appointed to investigate the matter at Holy Apostles Seminary in Hartford, Connecticut.
A number of active homosexuals were expelled from the seminary as a result of the investigation. Holy Apostles Seminary publicly confirmed Church Militant's report of the investigation last fall, and the story was also covered by National Catholic Register.

But there's evidence indicating Serratelli may still be facilitating a gay seminarian pipeline, primarily through one man: Fr. Hernan Arias, with whom the bishop has a very close relationship.
A number of inside sources have told Church Militant the two are homosexual partners.
Father Arias is longtime pastor of Saint Margaret of Scotland Church in Morristown, in spite of the fact that he's been found guilty of homosexual misconduct more than once.

Father Dulibber Gonzalez, shown cuddling and kissing Fr. Marcin Bradtke in Bradtke's rectory. Church Militant was sent these selfies from a source inside the Paterson diocese last year. Even though we gave Serratelli months to explain this, he remained silent — until we reported on the photos, after which he threatened to sue Church Militant — a threat not followed up with."