Tuesday, July 23, 2019

IN the NEWS - Cultural Marxism does bidding of LGBT in Oregon

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

"Last month, the governor of Oregon, Kate Brown (D), signed legislation that would require curriculum promote what is best described as Critical Race Theory – or Identity Politics – and LGBTQ-oriented material to all ages, including elementary schools. Additionally, books that don’t teach on LGBTQ history will be banned from the classroom altogether.
House Bill 2023, which was signed on June 4, is set to take effect in January of 2020. It requires LGBTQ content in all history, geography, economics, and civics textbooks. Full adherence to the new regulations will be required by September of 2026.

The law states, “Instructional materials for the above courses should include perspectives of individuals who are of Native American, African, Asian, Pacific Islander, Chicano, Latino or Middle Eastern descent; are women; are disabled; are immigrants or refugees; are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.”

Essentially, what is being demanded by the State of Oregon is Critical Race Theory (which deals with more than just ethnicity or racial identity), insisting that people be viewed by their chosen identity group. This is also sometimes called Identity Politics, the severing of people into distinct groups identifying either as the oppressed or as the oppressors."