Sunday, July 14, 2019

IN the NEWS - China's "re-education"

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18

"Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities are brought to the camps for what the government calls “re-education.” There they are given Mandarin lessons and sometimes forced into labor or even tortured.

In the video report, a BBC reporter asks a man at the camp if he chose to be at the re-education facility.
Yes,” the man said before noting that he had been influenced by “religious extremism.”
He added, “A policeman at my village told me to get enrolled in the school and transform my thoughts.”
In the video BBC reporter John Sudworth asked a government official at the facility what they would do if someone did not want to come to “school.”
The government official identified as Mahemuti said, “We’ve never encountered that before. But we’d proactively guide them.”
Sudworth then questioned why the facilities were different from prisons since those who go, cannot leave on their own accord. 
According to reports, men and women at the facility are instructed to write, “I love the communist party of China” repeatedly. They also must take a four-month long course in “how to make a bed.”
The BBC said their reporters were given a screened version of the camps."