Friday, July 12, 2019

IN the NEWS - Australia moving towards Religious Liberty?

"Australia’s coalition government has proposed the introduction of legislation that would make it unlawful to discriminate against people on the ground of their religious belief or activity.

The proposal is being made to implement a commitment made in the 2019 federal election.
The legislation would also establish a religious freedom commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Moreover, it would amend existing laws regarding religious freedom, including marriage and charities law, and objects clauses in anti-discrimination law.
It would be made clear that religious groups cannot be required to make their property available for same-sex marriage celebrations.
The office of prime minister Scott Morrison said in December that “Australia is a place where discrimination on the basis of a person’s identity – including their religious identity – is unacceptable.”
It is also a place where we respect the right of religious institutions to maintain their distinctive religious ethos. Our laws should reflect these values.”
The government wants to make religious belief and activity a protected class, like race or sex. It also hopes to ensure that groups rejecting same-sex marriage are not stripped of their charitable status.
A review of religious freedom in Australia was finished in May 2018, making 20 recommendations; among these was a Religious Discrimination Bill."
Amen, amen. Numbers 5:22