Sunday, July 21, 2019

IN the NEWS - American Library Association gets in on some Gen. 6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"The American Library Association’s recent national conference provided librarians from across the country with strategies for advancing gender identity ideology in schools and finding ways to bring “Drag Queen Story Times” into public libraries despite the objections of local communities. 
The conference was held just as disturbing stories came to light across the country about Drag Queen Story Times (DQST) held in public libraries.
On the West Coast, young children were photographed having extreme physical contact with a drag queen, while on the East Coast, a drag queen who read to young children was discovered to be involved with numerous lurid and pornographic sexual businesses and activities.

Held in Washington, D.C., the week-long American Library Association (ALA) conference brought well over 21,000 attendees to the nation’s capital and featured workshops with titles such as:
  • “Queerness in comics”;
  • “A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public Libraries”;
  • “LGBTQ+ Creators and Characters in Kids, Tween, and Teen Comics”;
  • “Reading the Rainbow: Teaching Kids about Pride and LGBTQ+ History”;
  • Are You Going to Tell My Parents?: The Minor’s Right to Privacy in the Library”; and
  • “Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries.”
In one breakout session about LGBT-themed children’s literature, librarians took time to brainstorm suggestions for “Non-Trad Families” books they could promote. This included titles such as “My Brother’s Husband,” “Lumberjanes,” and “Pregnant Butch.” 

The “LGBTQ+ Creators and Characters in Kids, Tween, and Teen Comics,” workshop’s panel of “queer creators and allies” discussed “the importance of centering queer stories, working to break stereotypes and the importance of giving all young readers the chance to meet queer characters in comics pages.”  
A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public Libraries” was the title of a workshop hosted by Magination Press, which provides “kid-friendly introductions to LGBTQ+ history and gender identity.”
One topical issue currently impacting society today is incorporating gender neutral bathrooms into public spaces,” noted the workshop description. “This program will help librarians
understand the importance of creating safe spaces for everyone, no matter how they identify themselves.”
Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries,” explored “the public library as a site for the intersection of gender expression/identity and intellectual freedom, by discussing the phenomenon of Drag Queen Storytime.”
The panel will discuss how DGS was developed and originally implemented, how librarians have been using it today, how institutions have dealt with specific successes and controversies, and how DGS relates to intellectual freedom,” according to the workshop description.

Beyond introducing LGBT-themed children’s books, ALA speakers tutored librarians on defending the availability of those books as well as child-targeting LGBT events held on library
The description for a workshop titled “Censorship Beyond Books” declared that librarians need to learn strategies to protect events such as Drag Queen Story Time. “While the profession is well-versed in protecting the right to read books, many libraries lack policies and experience in protecting the right to access information and services beyond books, often in the form of content created by their staff.

One graphic provided by the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom noted that one of the five top methods of censorship encountered by librarians is “requiring parental permission to access content.” 