Monday, July 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - Heads and Ghosts

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3
This would include Human Heads

"Saint Oliver Plunket (sometimes spelled Plunkett) was born in 1629 in Loughcrew in Ireland, and he died on July 1 in 1681. He was later canonized in 1975, and on July 1, Roman Catholics set the day aside to venerate (Latin for worship) his decapitated head.

The Roman Catholic worship of this decapitated head has grown even stronger since 2010, when British author, Vikki Bramshaw, claimed to have captured the ghost of Plunket on video.

Bramshaw’s video received wide acclaim among Roman Catholics, in spite of the fact that she dabbles in witcraft, and is the writer of Craft of the Wise: A Practical Guide to Paganism and Witchcraft.
The Romanists are revealing a new statue of Plunket this month in honor of the ‘saint.’ The Vatican has also organized a three-day pilgrimage walk to St. Oliver Plunket’s head on July 7, which will culminate on July 10 with the unveiling of Plunket’s new statue, made to venerate him.

By going on such a pilgrimage, Catholics believe that they will receive a plenary indulgence, which is the complete remission of temporal punishment due to sin."