Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Creation Moment 7/3/2019 - Nervous System's Existence Undermines Evolutionary Time Scale

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Psalm 139:14 NLT

"Evidence of intelligent design is easily found in the human nervous system. 
The stem cells in the brain of every human embryo create trillions of neurons (nerve cells).
Each cell comes with its own pre-determined destination and one or more specific purposes.

They migrate by locomotion (somewhat like an amoeba moves) and translocation (somewhat like pulling on a rope with a grapple at the other end).
Hundreds of thousands of these cells migrate at the same time to all areas of the brain; many can be tracked by real-time imaging. This is a massively coordinated event that smacks of intelligent guidance and design. But that’s only the appetizer.
After these cells reach their respective destinations, they connect with dozens or more of other neurons via fingerlike extensions called dendrites (tiny branches coming off medium branches coming off large branches of nerves). Hundreds reach out in different directions, each carrying several dozen chemical messages that can be adjusted.
Meanwhile, the axon portion, a taillike appendage on the neuron, can stretch the length of the spinal cord or take a short jaunt to the face. This part of the neuron receives information.
Except for cranial nerves, motor nerve cells extend down through the spinal cord, and deliver instructions to skin, bone, joints, muscles, and organs throughout the body. Sensory nerve cells return information about pain, temperature, pressure, and vibration. 
Nothing about our neurological system can be explained by billions of accidental occurrences, that is, the combination of mutations and natural selection.
If you believe that there was enough time since the formation of the Earth to accomplish these changes, then note that there are more changes needed than the number of days in 4.5 billion years. Maybe more changes than total hours. And that’s if every step were perfectly correct."