Monday, July 29, 2019

Creation Moment 7/30/2019 - Jesus AGE Verses Series: 2

Jesus AGE Verses Series:2
What does Jesus have to say about the age of the earth?
"In John 10:34–35 Jesus defended His claim to deity by quoting from Psalm 82:6 and then asserting that “Scripture cannot be broken.”
Another way that Jesus revealed His complete trust in the Scriptures was by treating as historical fact the accounts in the Old Testament which most contemporary people think are unbelievable mythology.
These historical accounts include
Adam and Eve as the first married couple
(Matt. 19:3–6, Mark 10:3–9),
Abel as the first prophet who was martyred
(Luke 11:50–51),
Noah and the Flood
(Matt. 24:38–39),
Moses and the serpent
(John 3:14),
Moses and the manna
(John 6:32–33, 49),
the experiences of Lot and his wife
(Luke 17:28–32),
the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah
(Matt. 10:15),
the miracles of Elijah
(Luke 4:25–27),
and Jonah and the big fish
(Matt. 12:40–41).
As Wenham has compellingly argued.
Jesus did not allegorize these accounts but took them as straightforward history, describing events that actually happened just as the Old Testament describes.
The thoughts of men are nothing compared to the commandments and testimonies of God.
It is a very serious error, according to Jesus, to set them aside in order to submit to some other source of supposed truth, whether natural or supernatural."