Saturday, July 27, 2019

Creation Moment 7/28/2019 - Hot Jupiters

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God...
Hebrews 11:3

"Hot Jupiters are gas giants presumed to be like Jupiter but orbiting their host stars at close distances, typically about five times the star’s diameter, or roughly 20 times the Moon’s distance from Earth.
The close orbits of hot Jupiters make it possible for these objects to experience strong interactions with their stars via tides, collisions with stellar wind particles, accretion of planetary gas onto the star’s surface and magnetic reconnection between the stellar and
planetary magnetic field lines.
Star-planet interactions can potentially reveal details about stellar wind properties and, most intriguingly, planetary magnetic fields.
The magnetic field strengths the researchers found range from 20 to 120 G (gauss) — around 10-100 times larger than predicted values.
For comparison, Jupiter’s magnetic field is 4.3 G and Earth’s field strength is only 0.5 G, although that is strong enough to orient compasses worldwide.
The field strengths are larger than one would expect considering only the rotation and age of the planet,” the study authors said."
--OR--the planets are NOT AS OLD AS YOU THINK THEY ARE...just saying...