Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Creation Moment 7/24/2019 - From the "Puffy Edges"?

"It seems that every other month there’s another article about a new moon-formation hypothesis. This month it’s that “the moon may have formed in a vaporized, doughnut-shaped Earth.” This new model suggests that 4.5 billion years ago something collided with earth, causing it to mushroom out into a “seething, spinning cloud of vaporized rock that resembled a squished jelly doughnut.” Then, within earth’s “puffy edges,” our moon formed.

They decided that what must have happened is that chunks of debris slammed together and formed a proto-moon and heavy “silica rain” helped the moon grow. Eventually the doughnut earth shrank and—pop!—there was our moon!

Evolutionary scientists keep coming up with moon-formation ideas, and they will continue to do so, because they have the wrong starting point. The right starting point is God’s Word which tells us
And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. (Genesis 1:16)
We don’t need to come up with crazy moon-formation ideas or bang our heads against the wall, because we already know how the moon was formed: God made it on the fourth day of the Creation Week!"