Monday, July 22, 2019

Creation Moment 7/23/2019 - What Apollo Failed to Clear up in 1969

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night:
Genesis 1:16

"Apollo was supposed to decide between 3 competing theories for the moon’s origin. Conclusion: all 3 were wrong.
In the 1960s, there were three competing theories for how the moon formed:
(1) it spun off the Earth (fission theory),
(2) it formed at the same time as Earth (co-formation theory), or
(3) it was captured by the Earth (capture theory).
Now, most planetary scientists reject all three theories in favor of the Giant Impact theory. Sometime in unseen history, they allege, a Mars-sized body impacted the Earth and spun off material that formed the moon.

Because of its size and distance from Earth, our moon gives us at least three outstanding benefits.
---It stabilizes our axis of rotation, giving us reliable seasons so that solar heat is distributed efficiently around the globe in a predictable way.
---It is the main contributor to ocean tides that cleanse our coastlines and create oceanic currents used by marine life and by sailors.
---It also creates ideal conditions for solar eclipses—unique phenomena among all the bodies in the solar system—which are not only awesome to behold but also provide unique opportunities for scientific discovery."