Thursday, July 18, 2019

Creation Moment 7/19/2019 - Darwin's Big Blunder

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind...
Genesis 1:24

"A recent tweet directed at Ken Ham made a frequent evolutionary assertion: “Evolution has been directly observed both in the lab and in the field. If you had done any research whatsoever, you would know this.” The commenter then linked to a couple of studies,
which he claimed proved his point. Unfortunately, he and other evolutionists make some serious errors in interpreting the evidence they observe due to the influence of their worldview and thus undermine their conclusions.

Evolutionists like to point to variation within kinds and claim that species are evolving. While they are not evolving in the sense that affirms Darwinism, species do change as part of a process called speciation. Speciation occurs based on natural variation existing in an organism’s genome.
--Every species of animal has genetic variability built into its DNA. --That allows the population to change in response to environmental conditions for survival.  
Populations of organisms change in response to a number of factors, the most obvious being a change in habitat. This is what Charles Darwin and others observed in the finches of the Galapagos Islands. The birds’ beaks varied in structure and thickness depending on the conditions in which the they lived.

However, this outward change was rooted in the birds’ genetics. While much of a finch population had what is considered the optimal beak for its conditions, a small portion of the population had a less than optimal beak, but not disadvantageous enough to cull them from the population. This factor kept the information for this beak in the population.
--When conditions changed again, the less-than-optimal beak became more optimal, and offspring with this beak began to survive more frequently.
--Conversely, the birds with the beak that had previously been optimal began to struggle to survive, and many died.
This is illustrative of natural selection, but not evolution.

Natural selection selects existing information in the genome.
It does not produce any new information.
New information in the genome would be required to take an existing organism and turn it into a different organism.
The finches on the Galapagos Islands have not evolved into mammals or even something between mammals and birds. No matter their beak size, they remain birds, and, more specifically, finches."