Saturday, July 27, 2019

ARCHAEOLOGY: SIMULTANEOUS Pottery Pointing back to Babel......

Therefore is the name of it called Babel;....from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
Genesis 11:9

"The pottery fragments from the Real Alto site appear to belong to a previously unknown culture.
They predate Ecuador’s Valdivia culture, one of the oldest pottery-featured cultures recorded in the Americas.

Sherds are either black or black-and-brown, from bowls and globular, necked jars,” said Dr. Andrey Tabarev.
They were made using grog and stone temper, including some large particles visible on the surface.”
The rough, geometric decorations were made with shallow, linear incisions that had irregular margins as well as finger-gouging and rows of round punctation.”

Chemical residues found on the Real Alto pottery fragments suggest that some vessels were used for cooking.
The mass emergence of pottery was a kind of technical breakthrough associated with many aspects of human life and the level of economic development in different parts of the globe,” said team member Dr. Alexander Popov.
Ceramic vessels belonging to different cultures developed simultaneously confirm that our ancestors had evolved in terms of cultural diversity.”
Despite the different vectors of human development, in the technological sense we were moving in the same direction.”
--OR--vessels belonging to different cultures that developed SIMULTANEOUSLY show that they came from a common point--BABEL--and took the knowledge with them. That too could explain Pottery emerging SIMULTANEOUSLY too.....just saying...