Sunday, June 23, 2019

SDA Issues- Time to Shut Down the NAD?

Is it Time to simply shut down the NAD?
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
1 Samuel 15:23

"The NAD Ministerial has developed a set of Pathfinder pins to distribute to the thousands of young people who will attend the upcoming August 12-17 Jamboree in Oshkosh.  Here they are:
Take note of the pink one.  The message is clear.  Scriptural directions on male leadership are oudated—replaced by a unisex modern version.  The NAD commentary on this pin:

This pin features two Pathfinder girls confidently facing the giant. Intentionally designed with the purpose to affirm and encourage girls in North America who fearlessly have accepted or will accept the call of God to Pastoral Ministry. God calls and enables girls just as He called and enabled David.
The NAD who believes it has painted the world church into a corner by ordaining women elders, is determined to agitate for the full ordination of women, by outright defiance, and by refusing to discipline its Unions who have defied the world Church votes. In Dan Jackson’s own words:
We will not stop agitating for the ordination of women!” 
No they won’t.  They are pushing this agenda in our schools, churches, Conferences, and now even at the Pathfinder Jamboree.
This subtle attempt to indoctrinate the pathfinder youth with the NAD agenda is certainly mischievous, but it is more than that.  It is also highly unethical, and highly predictable."