Wednesday, June 26, 2019

SDA Issues - SDA Pastor Celebrates "Mass"?

I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints Jude 1:3

"Fatal heresies are attempting to undermine the foundations of our faith. A false, misguided unity is bringing together all of the churches and they are exalting Romanism (the Holy Eucharist), ecumenism and feminism above the word of God.
This predicament is causing Seventh-day Adventist pastors to become indistinguishable from Roman Catholic priests. In the above photo you can’t even tell who is who anymore. Who is the Catholic Priest? Which one is the Seventh-day Adventist pastor? How can we tell them apart?
Left to right: Angela Fall, ordained priest for the Anglican Church; Sarah Böhm-Aebersold, ordained priest for the Christian Catholic Church of Switzerland (non-Roman Catholic); Patrick Maeder, Seventh-day Adventist pastor; Christine Bloomfield, ordained priest for both the Christian Catholic Church of Switzerland (non-Roman Catholic) and the Anglican Church; Vincent Roos, Roman Catholic Priest; and Jean-Marie Thévoz, pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church.
Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Patrick Maeder, pictured above, is standing to the left of Christine Bloomfield during the mass for Christian unity. When not singing to the wafer god, Pastor Patrick Maeder is in charge of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Lausanne and Renens, Switzerland. He is a member of the Adventist Federation (Conference) in Switzerland and is pictured with all the other “official” pastors in his conference. He is also listed on the Adventist Conference’s website in Switzerland as the director of the Adventist Social Department which coordinates with ADRA and other social services for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the area."