Thursday, June 27, 2019

SDA Issues - Our Message: Sabbath & Sanctuary

"The Sabbath has the central place in the commandments, summing up why we should keep all ten.
As Hebrews 4 explains, it sums up the gospel because it teaches us to rest from our work “as God did from His.”
--It’s also connected with the seal of God
--and our last-day message.

The Sanctuary is connected to everything, all the prophecies, who we are as Seventh-day Adventists, and why we’re here.
It’s connected
--to creation,
--the second advent,
--the everlasting gospel,
--the three angels’ messages,
--and our mission to the world.

Let’s love the truth, let’s embrace this last-day message, and let’s pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to proclaim it now—with power!"