Tuesday, June 25, 2019

ON the Streets of Babylon: Drag Children Story Hours now held on the Streets....

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be "Children Drag Story Hours"  read on the Streets of Babylon...

"A Cincinnati man dressed in drag read a book about a hero to the LGBT community during the children’s time at a church service Sunday.

The event took place as Auburn Hills Presbyterian Church celebrated LGBT Pride month in June.
Dan Davidson, the church’s building caretaker, dressed as his alter ego “Sparke Leigh.” As worshippers arrived, Davidson greeted them wearing a purple dress, makeup, high heels, and a beard made of glitter.
The church choir opened the worship service by singing “God Welcomes All.” Then, the pastor called the church’s children to the front and Davidson emerged wearing a pink dress and green, curly hair.
He read the book Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag. The book tells the story of California’s first openly gay politician and how he “Dreamed that everyone – even gay people – would have equality. He dreamed that one day people would be able to live and love as they pleased.” The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that the congregation applauded multiple times during the story."