Friday, June 7, 2019


The Lord taketh pleasure in his people:
He will beautify the meek with salvation.
 Psalm 149:4

"Patience and gentleness under wrong were not characteristics prized by the heathen or by the Jews.
The statement made by Moses under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that he was the meekest man upon the earth, would not have been regarded by the people of his time as a commendation; it would rather have excited pity or contempt. --The Mount of
Blessings, p. 14 E.G.W.

In the sermon on the mount Jesus puts meekness among the very first qualifications for His kingdom. It is third among eight.
And to go back to Moses, Mrs. White says, "Meekness in the midst of murmuring, reproach, and provocation, constituted the brightest trait in his character." --Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 368.

Far from being a disadvantage in life, "The meekness and lowliness of Christ is the Christian's power." --Ibid., p. 559. "Lowliness of heart is the strength that gives victory to the followers of Christ; it is the token of their connection with the courts above." --The Desire of Ages, p. 301."
Merwin R. Thurber/Ministry1971