Thursday, June 20, 2019

IN the NEWS - A "Swift" Reaction from ex-Gays

"Men who've left homosexuality behind for a life following Christ say they have two responses to Taylor Swift's new music video for her single “You Need to Calm Down” that promotes the LGBT movement. One message is for Swift and her fans, the other is for the Christian community. 

Swift's music video is an ode to the LGBT community and features a star-studded cast including professing Christian R&B singer Ciara, and preachers' kid pop star Katy Perry. Others featured in the video include daytime TV host Ellen DeGeneres, actor Ryan Reynolds, transgender actor Laverne Cox, and the cast of Netflix’s “Queer Eye.”
The pop star's message, as described in her lyrics, is that people need to stop spewing hate. The song’s lyrics include lines such as: “And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate, ’cause shade never made anybody less gay.” She also sang that
those who oppose the lifestyle “would rather be in the Dark Ages.”
The video features an angry mob holding signs that read: “Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve” and “Homasekuality is sin!” The misspelling of homosexuality intentionally presumes that Christians who oppose same-sex relationships are not only homophobic and transphobic, but also are uneducated.

 Christian Singer Ciara received some heat from Christian fans
for the role she played in Swift's video where she's seen officiating a gay wedding and jumping for joy. Ciara shared a clip of her part in the video on Instagram but hit back at Christian fans who didn't like what they saw.
In the comments section, one follower said: "Ciara. You shouldn't be doing this. We respect u too much, Being at a gay wedding is one thing and joining them together is even more a greater sin. We love you but this is wrong." 
Ciara snapped back, writing, "Firstly, Christians don't judge. Secondly, #YouNeedToCalmDown."

Luis Javier Ruiz, CEO of the ministry Fearless Identity and a survivor of the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting who has since walked away from homosexuality, responded to Ciara's decision to show her support for same-sex marriage and the LGBT movement by starring in the video. 
Ruiz, who now travels across the U.S. to hold Freedom Marches where he and others share their transformation in Christ, said he respectfully disagrees with Ciara's views on the topic. 
Going to anyone's wedding is being a testimony of the union and showing that you agree with the event that is happening bound by God," he told The Christian Post in an interview on Tuesday. "I can't affirm what God's word does not affirm and I can't call love what God's word does not call love.
“If they are my friends, they will understand," Ruiz said.
In the New Testament ... 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 says: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor
idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God”.
I met a man that is loyal and died for me, His name is Jesus. And through the Holy Spirit, He took my heart of stone and gave me a new spirit and brand new heart of flesh,” Ruiz testified. “That's the man that has had my heart this whole time. Jesus was drawing me to Himself.”