Thursday, June 27, 2019

IN the NEWS - Satanic Sodomy

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"An in-depth Church Militant investigation has turned up a career-long track record of accusations against former Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin that not only was he a homopredator his entire career but that at various stops in his career, many of those sexual assaults were tied to satanic rituals.

Bernardin's entire public career was one of warm relationships with promoters of homosexuality — in fact, beyond his career and even his life; he explicitly requested the Chicago Gay Men's Chorus to sing at his wake.
Bernardin was ordained in April of 1952 by his bishop in Charleston, South Carolina, John J. Russell.
In the case of the 1957 rape of the minor in South Carolina we previously reported, the victim identified not only then-Fr. Bernardin, but also Bishop Russell and that the assault was part of a satanic ritual.
Church Militant was handed secret files from the vaults of the Chicago archdiocese by whistleblowers there....when confronted with direct evidence of homosexual rapist Bishop Daniel Ryan of Springfield, Illinois, Cacciavillan, Cardinal Francis George, Bishop Joseph Imesch and Bishop George Lucas refused to conduct any investigation into their notorious brother bishop.
Ryan eventually had to step down in disgrace once the truth came out — the truth that Cacciavillan had unsuccessfully tried to cover up.
Cacciavillan was one of the Vatican's men who defended Boston Cardinal Bernard Law as the homopredator sex abuse clergy story was breaking on the front pages of The Boston Globe a few years later.

Hopwood and Bernardin quickly became close associates, and each was promoted by Russell in short order — Bernardin being named chancellor at the same time Hopwood was named assistant

The two shared a residence together at the cathedral rectory for the next number of years — from 1954 until 1966 when Bernardin left for Atlanta where he became auxiliary bishop.
Roughly 40 years later in 1994, Hopwood was eventually busted and convicted for sex abuse involving hundreds of teenage males.
Many of these sexual assaults occurred in the same years he was a housemate with Bernardin at the cathedral rectory, where a number of the alleged assaults happened.
In resulting lawsuits against the diocese of Charleston, Bernardin's name "came up a large number of times," according to one of Hopwood's victims.

The victim also said in the filings that "Hopwood had presided over satanic rituals involving animals in the woods where some of his victims were abused."
But Hopwood wasn't the only close associate of Bernardin busted for sexual assault of teenage males.
In the mid-1990s, the exact same time the original alleged rape victim from 1957 was writing to the Vatican, the nuncio, the archdiocese of Chicago and even Pope John Paul, pleading for a hearing, a string of charges and arrests were being made of Bernardin's closest associates from his days in Charleston.
One after another, Bernardin's buddy priests were being arrested and prosecuted for sexual assaults of combined hundreds of teenage males, a large number of assaults having happened right at the very time Bernardin was chancellor of Charleston.
When criminal and civil charges were filed against Hopwood in the early 1990s, Bernardin, who by this time had ascended to archbishop in Chicago, made the unprecedented move of immediately dispatching the archdiocesan law firm to Hopwood's defense — the costly and prestigious firm, Mayer, Platt and Brown, now known as Mayer Brown.

The Chicago faithful were never told that Bernardin was using their funds to pay for the high-powered defense of his close associate accused of multiple satanic-inspired homosexual assaults.
However, there was still much more to come, just as Bernardin was fighting a two-front war, with charges against himself, as well as his "buddies" as the lawsuits described them, yet another round of charges of the precise same nature came pouring into Chicago from former seminarians in the diocese of Winona, Minnesota.
These seminarians charged that while he was archbishop of Cincinnati, Bernardin and some other clerics, including bishop friends of his, would travel to Winona's Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary and engage in homosexual acts with them involving satanic rituals.
None of these cases, the original 1957 rape allegation against Bernardin when he was a priest in Charleston, the suggestion he was intimately tied to more sodomistic satanic assaults by his buddy priests and the fresh charges of seminarians being sodomized by him and other clerics — again tied to satanic rituals — none of the plaintiffs in any of these cases knew each other or, before the days of social media, had any real way of knowing each other's stories."