Wednesday, June 19, 2019

IN the NEWS - Madonna's Sick Fantasy

....because you encouraged the wicked not to turn from their evil ways....
Ezekiel 13:22

"Madonna wants a meeting with Pope Francis to discuss abortion, the 60-year-old revealed during an interview with Australian journalist Andrew Denton.

According to the pop icon, Jesus would be completely on board with abortion, viewing it as a “woman’s right to choose,” not the ending of an innocent human life.
The two leading questions Madonna said she would pose to Pope Francis were, “What do you really think he thought of women? And don't you think Jesus would agree that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body?”
The “Material Girl” singer seemed optimistic about a potential meeting, telling Denton, “One day he might invite me. I think this one might ... I think he would be open to having that conversation with me.”