Thursday, June 13, 2019

IN the NEWS - Slaughter as a Badge of Honor?

Because of the increase of wickedness,
the love of most will grow cold,..
Matthew 24:12 NIV

What is it about the Secular Left and Killing people?....whether in the womb (or calling for death of children AFTER NATURAL BIRTH as the former black-faced governor of Virginia purposed) to killing off the sick and elderly among us? WHY do these people wear Slaughtering the most defenseless among us as a badge of honor?

"Democratic Gov. Janet Mills signed the Maine Death with Dignity Act on Wednesday, making the state the 10th jurisdiction to legalize assisted suicide.

When she inked the legislation, Gov. Mills brought Maine into line with Oregon, which was the first state to legalize the practice of physicians prescribing lethal medicines for patients to use to kill themselves.
The legislature and Governor Janet Mills failed the people of Maine. Assisted suicide is a dangerous public policy that puts the most vulnerable people in society at risk for abuse, coercion[,] and mistakes,” said Matt Valliere,"