Saturday, June 15, 2019

IN the NEWS - Kmart

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18

This was Intentional...maybe not by Kmart at the top---but the Software had to be written by someone. This is the level of Hatred for Christianity, while embracing pandering to Islam, and most likely the author of the Software was probably atheist or agnostic at best...everything is upside down in the world today....

"Kmart has come under fire after certain religious words including “Jesus,” “church,” and Bible” were banned at photo printing kiosks while the words “mosque,” Islam,” and “Koran” were not.
While attempting to print photographs for a church group,
Australian Kmart customers Anthony Dorsett and his wife, Marelynda, found that certain Christian-related words — including “God,” “church,” “Jesus,” “Jewish” and “Bible” — were deemed to be profanity and replaced by asterisks, The Daily Telegraph reports. However, “mosque,” “Islam” and “Koran” were found to be acceptable.
Amid backlash, Kmart issued a statement saying that a software error at the Kodak kiosks had led to “offensive” words being replaced and was not specific to Christianity.
This is a system error and it will be updated overnight. It in no way reflects our views as a business,” the spokesman told The Daily Telegraph."