Tuesday, June 18, 2019

IN the NEWS - Guess Who's Calling for a Statewide "Conversion" to the GREEN RELIGION

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

"Timed to mark the 4th anniversary of Laudato si’ - Pope Francis’s landmark document on the environment - the Catholic bishops of California have released a major pastoral statement calling for statewide ecological conversion.

The first section, “A Canticle for California,” offers a sweeping overview of the state’s biodiversity and history.
In recalling the state’s history, the document mentions ....
The unprecedented scope and harm of wildfires across California gives notice that something in creation is awry, out of balance, and this calls us to explore how to better care for our common home,” it states.
The second half of the document, “Living our Ecological Vocations,” offers a range of specific challenges and
recommendations to a number of constituencies, among them families, policymakers, business leaders, and young people....public officials are encouraged to enact and promote policies that improve air quality, strengthen the water systems, and transition from a fossil-based economy that does not burden the state’s poor........Families and catechists are also urged to teach the pope’s environmental encyclical Laudato si’.....
At the heart of all spirituality is conversion. We all need to change for the better. Conversion is not just turning back to God, but always embraces new thinking and new decisions - a new way of life as we move into the future. Ecological conversion challenges us to advance in culture, to grow spiritually, and to be better educated about the world entrusted by God to our care,” the document states." CRUX