Thursday, June 27, 2019

IN the NEWS - God's Response to Lady Gaga

"Lady Gaga has urged fans to asks people what pronouns they use, in an impassioned speech about LGBT+ equality.

The long-time supporter of LGBT+ rights made the comments in a speech at a concert in New York City on Monday (June 24).
Lady Gaga: Ask people what pronouns they use
She said: “I have learned so much over the years from all my fans. I feel so blessed, thank you for showing me and teaching me.
“I’ve learned something very important to those people now, and I wish to share this with everyone who’s listening, not just in this theatre, but around the world.
Ask the question: ‘What is your pronoun?’
“Because for a lot of people, it’s really hard, and their pronouns aren’t respected or they’re not asked, and for me I’ve grown and changed over the years in a lot of different ways — I’ve felt misunderstood in different ways." PinkNews

God Response: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27