Sunday, June 9, 2019

IN the NEWS - Gillibrand Sells Her Soul

WHY is Senator Gillibrand (running for the Democrat Nomination in 2020) selling her soul as a Catholic (by extension a "Christian")? working in a Gay Bar during the Campaign? Is the Gay Community now Larger in numbers than the Christian Community in Iowa? Does the Christ she claims to believe in--could she see Him working physically in a Gay Bar?...she sells her soul for Political Pandering...and for What?...a Nomination that, based on Polls, she has NO chance of winning?
.....because they have forsaken the LORD,
the fountain of living waters.
Jeremiah 17:13

"New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is making sure everyone knows how seriously she takes LGBT pride month and did so by working a gay bar in Des Moines, Iowa to show her support.

The Democrat presidential hopeful worked The Blazing Saddle Friday, mixing and serving drinks and wearing a rainbow shirt reading, “Love Is Brave.”
There is also a video of Gillibrand drinking in the bar, shouting “Gay Rights!”
The senator, who’s averaging 0.3 percent in the polls, also busted a move during the city’s Pride Fest.
Gillibrand also met with the LGBT advocacy group Iowa Safe Schools and showed off her “drag tater” creation."