Wednesday, June 26, 2019

IN the NEWS - Church Schools Flip Off God's Word

After this manner therefore pray ye:
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Matthew 6:9

"Catholic girls’ schools in Brisbane, Australia, have started using gender-neutral language to help students connect with God.
According to Brisbane newspaper the Sunday Mail, elite Catholic schools including All Hallows, Stuartholme and Loreto College are avoiding words likefather,” “son” and “Lord” in prayers and teaching.

 Stuartholme girls’ school has adjusted prayers and hymns to replace the word “himself” with “Godself.
Pupils at All Hallows school refer to “the Creator, Jesus and the Holy Spirit” when making the sign of the cross, in place of the traditional “the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Andrea Dean, director of the Catholic Office for the Participation of Women, told the Sunday Mail she was “thrilled” about the schools practicing gender-neutral prayer.
It’s terrific that they’re sensitive to the implications of how God is named. God is not of any gender. In the times the scripture was written [Lord and Father] were terms of honor – most of the terms of honor were related to men,” she said.
Australian Christian lobbyist Lyle Shelton responded to the news saying: “This is further evidence of the agenda of those who sought to ‘de-gender’ marriage – now they want to de-gender religion.
In Christian theology, God expresses himself as a father in the male gender. The scriptures clearly explain God to us as a father.”