Wednesday, June 12, 2019

IN the NEWS - China a Forger of Lies

But ye are forgers of lies....
Job 13:4

"A local government communications agency in China recently held a seminar to discuss with Communist Party members the "enormous harm" Christianity is to the atheist nation and identify ways to stunt its growth.
According to Chinese Christian persecution watchdog China Aid, the event, titled "Christianity's Enormous Harm on China's

Security," was held on April 22 in the city of Hebi in China's Henan province.
According to the NGO, the seminar encouraged party members to avoid being persuaded by Christian ideology and to sustain "correct views" when it comes to religion. reports that the Hebi Municipal Radio Administrative Bureau in Henan publicly admitted to holding the seminar on its WeChat page.
"It said the seminar was to help members correctly understand Christianity and prevent the occurrence of ideological deviations," notes the outlet. However, the WeChat message was deleted only two days after it was released."