Thursday, June 13, 2019

Googling for God: The Results

And from Jesus Christ,
...the first begotten of the dead...
Unto him that loved us,
and washed us from our sins in his own blood,..
Revelation 1:5

"A couple of months ago, the New York Times ran an article called “Googling for God.” 

In this piece, author Seth Stephens-Davidowitz explores recent
trends in Google search data specifically related to questions people pose about God.
Stephens-Davidowitz notes that the number one God-related question people ask on Google is,
Who created God?”
Not surprisingly, number two is
 “Why does God allow suffering?”
However the question that came in at number three:
 “Why does God hate me?”

What is the most common word to complete the following question:
Why did God make me ___?
Number one, by far, is ‘ugly.’
Although the author of this article does not explicitly link “Why does God hate me?” and Why did God make me ___?
I couldn’t help but wonder if there might be some connection between the two questions. After all, if you believe God made you “ugly,” it’s not a stretch to believe God hates you, too, since in our culture “ugly” is a very negative term.

The problem here is that it’s not God who is doing this labeling and excluding—it’s human beings.
We are the ones who have created societies in which individuals are judged based on their physical appearance rather than on the content of their character.
We—not God—are the ones who have decided that some are “in” and some are “out”.

“During every hour of Christ’s sojourn upon the earth, the love of God was flowing from Him in irrepressible streams. All who are imbued with His Spirit will love as He loved. The very principle that actuated Christ will actuate them in all their dealing one with another.”
The Desire of Ages, 678 E.G.W.