Friday, June 21, 2019

Creation Moment 6/22/2019 - The 1,2,3 of the Impossibility of Evolution

I have made the earth, and created man upon it... Isaiah 45:12

"That complexity could arise from "primordial soup" by random-chance chemical reactions is statistically, bio-chemically, and thermodynamically impossible. 

1) There are too many connections in a DNA molecule to ever occur by chance, no matter how long you allow. 
2) When biochemists have managed to produce simple amino acids in simulated "soup", it was by carefully controlling the conditions; there was nothing "random" or "chance" about the process, and the leap from simple amino acids to a DNA molecule is astronomical
3) The second law of thermodynamics says that order moves toward disorder, and complex moves toward simple (not the other way around), unless acted upon by a higher force
Lightning bolts (the supposed driving force behind the chemical reactions) are actually great randomizers.  The notion that anything as complex as a DNA molecule could arise by accident is therefore a non-scientific absurdity!"
 Ron Lyttle