Monday, June 24, 2019

ARCHAEOLOGY: Hezekiah Era WatchTower

And he cried, A lion: My lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and I am set in my ward whole nights:
Isaiah 21:8

"Israeli paratroopers and archaeologists announced Wednesday that they unearthed the remains of a 2,700-year-old watchtower at an undisclosed location in southern Israel. Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority say they cannot reveal the exact location for security purposes but did say that it sits on an elevated location.
The tower was likely used as a watchtower for the protection of Israel. A watchman stationed in the tower would be able to see approaching enemies. The towers were also useful for communication between the national border and Jerusalem. The watchmen used smoke to communicate during the day and fire at night.
The soldiers and archaeologists reported that the tower measured 5x3.5 meters and that the ruins were 2 meters high. They believe the tower likely stood about 4 meters high, which would make it about two stories tall. The large stone blocks used to construct the tower weighed up to eight tons.
Sa’ar Ganor, co-director of the Israeli Antiquities Authority, explained the significance of the tower and its discovery. About the usefulness of the tower, he said, “King Hezekiah was sitting in Jerusalem. How could he control his boundary? By placing watchtowers with beacons in the hills, that would monitor the area and report back.